The holidays are just around the corner, and as fun and exciting as that can be it’s also a little scary when you consider this…
Many Americans gain more weight between Thanksgiving and Christmas as they do between Christmas and Thanksgiving. In fact, I’ve seen claims of 6 -15 pounds gained in just those 4 weeks. And, I can personally attest to having double digit weight gain in my “former life.”
Well, in our effort to “Get Fit NOT Fat” this holiday season, we’re offering a very special Holiday Survival Workshop on [INSERT DATE] at [INSERT BUSINESS NAME]. And, to help accommodate your very busy schedule that week we’re going to offer TWO times – 9:30 am & 6:00 pm. The workshop will be approximately 90 minutes.
During this extremely helpful
Holiday Survival Workshop you’ll…
- Discover delicious alternatives to high sugar holiday dishes
- Learn gluten-free, low carbohydrate recipes
- TASTE a variety of healthy appetizers, side dishes and desserts
- Get easy-to-implement tips and tricks for staying on track
with your goals when you go to holiday parties or have to travel
[INSERT NAME], our Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle Coach, has put together a
phenomenal workshop for you. She’ll be giving you all information you need to
“Get Fit NOT Fat” this holiday season!

Here are some pics of our previous results…

Now It’s Your Turn!
Plus, we have a special guest speaker. Local stress management expert Sheila Bauer of Circle Mind Body Medicine will discuss the effects of “holiday stress” and give you simple-to-follow stress management techniques to help you survive the holidays. 🙂
The cost for the Holiday Survival Workshop is only $20. The value of the lessons you’ll learn and the tools you’ll walk away with…well, the cliché answer is “priceless”, but I’ll leave that up to you to decide. How much do you value “getting fit not fat” this holiday season?
We look forward sharing our holiday survival secrets with YOU!
Justin Yule, BS, CPT, FMS
President & Chief Fitness Officer
Chanhassen Fitness Revolution
P.S. – You can still enjoy the holiday season and be healthy. Weight gain is not required. ;-b Join us for the Holiday Survival Workshop and learn how to have fun, eat delicious foods, and still “Get Fit NOT Fat” this holiday season.